Complaints process
Author Complaint Procedures
We are committed to dealing with all complaints fairly and promptly, especially those related to copyright.
Authors wishing to file a complaint, particularly about copyright infringement, should send a detailed email to the Editor-in-Chief of AIJSHS (, explaining the nature of the complaint and providing all relevant information. The author will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within a few days. The editorial team will conduct an initial review to verify the validity of the complaint and determine whether it requires investigation.
If necessary, a senior editor will be assigned to conduct an in-depth investigation, reviewing all relevant documents and evidence. During the process, the author may be contacted to provide additional information. Upon completion of the investigation, the editorial team will present its findings to the Editor-in-Chief, who will make a final decision. The author will be informed in writing of the decision and the actions to be taken to resolve the matter.
If the author is not satisfied with the decision, he/she may appeal to the AIJSHS Editorial Board, explaining the reasons for the dissatisfaction and presenting new evidence, if any. AIJSHS guarantees that all complaints will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and transparency, ensuring that they are taken seriously and resolved fairly.